Sahar Soleymani learned her way around the kitchen at an early age, as much of her home life was centered on the pride and tradition that came with preparing food of her rich Venezuelan heritage.
A deep love for food, creativity and her community spirit inspire her to serve her community honest food that represents her roots. This passion and love for food is in the bloodline as her family has been cooking for and serving the community for over 40 years.
For the first time ever, at Que Ricas, Sahar will be cooking her family’s prized recipes for South Jersey to fall in love with.
With the hopes of finding the American dream, Dar Soleymani came to the United States in the late 70’s as a student where he met his beautiful South American wife Elsie. The rest was history!
While travelling all over the world, he was most inspired by the Central and South American way of life and cuisine.
After over 40 years in the food industry operating upwards of 40 restaurants, bars, and nightclubs, he has partnered with his daughter Sahar to pass along his expertise and continue to do what he does: cook with love!